Flexible options, excellent ROI
Clients may need full time project management for 6 to 9 months. Some engage Budlong to work 2.5 days a week for 1 to 3 years.
Others budget for 2 to 4 hours a month for planning or marketing consultation services.
Daily rates assume 8 hours minimum per day, though 9+ hours per day are the norm.
Hourly charges are billed in 15 minute increments, 2 hours minimum per day.
Fixed amounts are set by the client. Charges, deliverables and time frames are agreed to by both parties.
Charges depend on the engagement duration, location and turn-around time. Approx. $950 per day or $95 to $125 per hour.
Say your company needs help with a business plan.
Budlong provides research and projections for your planning initiative (daily, hourly or fixed rates).
Planning packages include professional consultation.
A Quick-N-Easy Plan guides your business throughout the year.
The High Performance Growth Plan takes it to the next level.
Get it done. Contact us today. Budlong delivers results.